As a marketer, morning and evening rush hour mean big business for not only fuel sales, but also foot traffic in the convenience store. High vehicle throughput is vital to maximizing overall sales. The longer it takes for a customer to fill the vehicle, the longer the lines become, and those long lines can become a major deterrent to motorists.
A station equipped with fixed speed submersible pumps will only provide flow to a certain horsepower. As more nozzles begin to fuel, that established horsepower has to be divided amongst all nozzles. A pump capable of delivering the same high flow rates, regardless of how many nozzles are active, is key to keeping cars moving through the fuel islands at a steady pace. Customers know which gas stations will get them in and out as fast as possible, and they will return to those sites and avoid the slow ones.
With faster fill times during peak hours and power savings during non-peak hours, variable speed submersible pumping systems allow you to maximize profits with consistent flow rates while mitigating operating expenses.
The MagVFC™ variable speed controller ramps the STP up and down as needed to provide optimal flow rates at fueling points. The result is a more consistent customer experience.
2 Hp STPs provide a constant 10 gpm (38 lpm) flow rate for up to 8 fueling positions operating simultaneously while 4 Hp STPs provide 10 gpm (38 lpm) for up to 12 fueling positions.
Because a variable speed system is constantly providing only the necessary power to achieve desired flow rates, the system only consumes as much energy as is needed.