Corrosion Control Selection - Diesel - Tank Ullage

Your Custom Solution For: Corrosion in the Diesel Tank Ullage

The EVO™ Series ATG will control the Water Separator to remove corrosion contributors while also monitoring the tank ullage for a corrosive environment via the Corrosion Detection Sensor. The optional Advanced Protection submersible pump provides protection against accelerated corrosion in the tank ullage.

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EVO™ 600 or EVO™ 600 & Corrosion Control Sensor

EVO™ 600 and EVO™ 6000 ATGs provide automated system control and monitoring. The Corrosion Detection Sensor provides ongoing monitoring of the tank environment, alerting when corrosion is present. The optional Muliplexing Sensor Hub increases your ATG sensor inputs without running more wires.

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Water Separator

The Water Separator removes water and acid from the bottom of the tank.

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Optional: Advanced Protection

The Advanced Protection Submersible Pump is e-coated and contains stainless steel components to protect the submersible from corrosion.